Core Curriculum

At Blessed Sacrament School, we take great pride in our Christ-centered community that maintains the highest academic standards for diverse and life-long learning. Each student is challenged and supported as appropriate. The total curriculum includes the development of Catholic values and attitudes, as well as the attainment of knowledge and skills necessary for the student’s spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and physical development.

We follow curriculum guidelines as outlined by the Diocese of Arlington Office of Catholic Schools. Our curriculum (but not necessarily for each grade level) includes the following subjects:


Follows Diocesan guidelines that are structured around a center; the mystery of the Blessed Trinity and of Christ as expressed in the 4 Pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Creed, Sacraments, Commandment and the Moral Life; and Prayer. These guidelines are intended to fulfil the Church’s mission in educating children in the fullness of the Catholic Faith: to believe what the Creed teaches; to participate in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church; to live a life of love for God and neighbor; and to pray to the Father through Jesus, His Son, in the Holy Spirit.

Reading/Language Arts (English, Spelling, Handwriting)

Targets skills development and acquisition in literacy (vocabulary, comprehension), technical and creative writing, public speaking, and listening, alongside appreciation of literature and knowledge of literary elements and techniques.


Emphasizes basic numeracy, arithmetic, and computation; multiple approaches to problem-solving; and real-world problems and applications. The curriculum includes geometry, measurement, real-world applications, and algebra. Manipulatives, technological resources, and math games are integrated across the grades to reinforce concepts, accommodate diverse learning styles, and challenge high achieving students.


Fosters curiosity and development of knowledge and skills through observation and investigation. Integrated science curriculum becomes progressively more in-depth in each grade.

Social Studies/History

Develops knowledge on the geographic, economic, demographic, cultural/social, and political aspects of history and social studies

World Languages

Spanish is offered weekly in kindergarten through Grade 8. Students in Grades 3-5 study Spanish twice weekly; in Grades 6-7, three times a week; and in Grade 8, four times a week. Instruction emphasizes how to speak, read, and write Spanish, with an introduction to history, culture, and traditions of the language. Students in Grades 6-8 participate in national Spanish exam. Many students receive high honors at the national level.

Fine Arts (Art and Music)

Enhances core curriculum areas with weekly offering of art and music resources. Art media, musical recordings, books, etc. are used by faculty and students in classroom projects and activities. The pinnacle of our fine arts tradition is the middle school’s performance in the Spring musical. This after-school activity is led by the music teacher as director and the art teacher as set-background-costume designer.

Health, Safety and Physical Education

Stresses importance of being an active, healthy person during bi-weekly Physical Education classes that gives students opportunities to practice listening and social skills, team work, fairness, and good sportsmanship as they learn a wide variety of sports, dances, and games. Weekly Health class for Grades 4-8 features lessons on hygiene, nutrition, healthy social interaction and relationships, and self-esteem.

Computer Education

Provides weekly computer instruction in our STEM lab on keyboarding skills, PowerPoint presentations, coding, and spreadsheets. Selected technology examples include: use of formulas and graphing in spreadsheets (math); world language practice (foreign language); data graphs, research, slides, and videos (science); writing skills, research, and bibliography (language arts).


Enriches core curriculum through dissemination of library materials to classrooms; identifying professional and student periodicals of interest; and ordering appropriate materials as suggested by teachers and students such as subject bibliographies and other reliable sources.  Librarian offers research time and bibliographic assistance outside of regularly scheduled library periods.

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