On behalf of the Blessed Sacrament School Parent Teacher Organization, welcome to Blessed Sacrament School. Our school is dedicated to providing an exceptional education for our children that has a strong foundation in our faith to allow us to develop remarkable students today who will serve as future leaders in our communities.
Our PTO works to support that mission through a number of different activities. First, we provide a regular forum for our parents, our Principal, the faculty, and our Pastor to communicate and work together. In doing so we ensure that we are doing everything we can to promote the growth and development of our students and our school. The work carried out by the PTO includes:
- Providing a platform by which parents may communicate their values and expectations for our school;
- Encouraging the inclusion of our Catholic values in our school community;
- Communicating with our parents on school safety programs, engaging our local community to enhance the school environment and sharing information on legislative initiatives, and;
- Organizing our families to raise funds for our school each year.
Our school community strongly reflects our core values and the families at Blessed Sacrament School. We have tireless and active parents that support the many volunteer opportunities within our school community. Our parents serve as coaches for our many CYO sports programs including basketball, track and field, cross country, volleyball and tennis. We support Odyssey of the Mind teams for both the grade school and the middle school. Our parents actively support and assist with Culture Day, the Shakespeare Festival, proctoring the Science Fair, and many other school activities.
At the PTO, we are privileged to host an annual auction for BSS. This annual night of fundraising brings our school community together to celebrate and share our support for our school. Every year, the school shares a needed improvement for the school with the PTO and the auction raises money to meet that goal. For the past several years, our community has helped us exceed that goal. We are proud to have a newly renovated gymnasium this year for our school. The auction also offers many amazing donations from our parents that help us to raise funds on an annual basis to support our school mission.
Our PTO is a dynamic organization that strives to improve our school community and enhance the enrichment opportunities available to our teachers and our students. We have successfully supported our Annual Fund for several years and actively drive 100 percent participation through both prayer and fundraising to achieve greater involvement from our families in our school community. We have been blessed with exceeding our Annual Fund goals for the past two years which allows us to pursue additional student and faculty programming to improve our educational outcomes. This includes enhanced STEM programming for the students and additional technology tools for our classrooms.
To become involved in our PTO, contact us at