Annual Fund
2024-2025 Annual Fund
Dear Blessed Sacrament School Community,
On behalf of our school community, I want to express my sincere thanks to all who participated and made the 2023-2024 Blessed Sacrament School Annual Fund a great success last year. Through the support and generosity of parents, faculty, staff, and friends of BSS, we reached 100% participation and a net total of $87,329.21 was raised for our school. Thank you for your generosity!
The Annual Fund revenues help meet the gap between tuition/fees and the true cost of educating a student. There is a gap of about $2,750 per student, per year, between the true costs of educating a student and the actual tuition cost. The Annual Fund money is used to subsidize the school’s operating budget and helps to fill that gap. In addition, the funds support teacher professional development, provide tuition assistance, and help fund technology advancements.
Last year’s Annual Fund was put to good use:
$28,000 was donated to the school’s operating budget to help keep tuition affordable.
$20,948.53 was utilized by our library and technology department to purchase library and technology upgrades for students and staff. These purchases help our students learn with the latest technology and prepare them for a 21st century workplace.
$10,380.68 helped to fund our Professional Development Grant Program. These funds assisted our teachers in graduate level coursework at Marymount University and George Mason University. The funds also supported CPR, MAT, and First Aid Training. This PD greatly enriches the student experience by refreshing teachers’ knowledge of current research-based instructional information.
$28,000 was used to assist families who requested financial assistance. Blessed Sacrament School strives to support families so they do not need to make the difficult decision to withdraw a student from our school due to financial hardship.
We are excited to kick off the 2024-2025 BSS Annual Fund. Be on the lookout for a pledge card in the coming weeks. Once again the goal of the Annual Fund is 100% participation from the BSS community through a gift of financial support, a gift of prayer, or both!
Please join us as we celebrate our 75th Anniversary and help us show how our school continues to be united as a community as we live out our school mission: To create an educated community to serve Christ and one another with integrity and respect.
With sincere thanks,
Ms. Kate Chelak
Faith Direct Donate HERE