The Colonial Spirit Lives on at BSS!

Another long-standing tradition was celebrated this week at BSS – Colonial Day! For over 25 years, our 4th Grade students have reenacted the numerous occupations and customs of colonial America. Quinn Hall was transformed into a colonial Virginia village filled with bakers, silversmiths, tailors, toymakers, blacksmiths, and carpenters. Peace was kept by the militiamen and gaolers, while children were taught to read from the hornbook and write in ink with quills as pens. For lunch, colonists dined on a feast of turkey, ham, spoon bread, Johnny Cakes and pies. Their afternoon activities were filled with games including  horseshoe toss, Grace, hoop-and-stick, and corn cob darts.

Special thanks to the 4th Grade parents, Mr. Najarro, and Mrs. Stoiber in preparing the class to share their working knowledge of colonial history with the student body.  An added bonus was Mr. Najarro reliving his own experience as a colonial lawyer from his 4th Grade year at BSS (we even have a picture to prove it)!

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